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A meeting in Turin of the Équipes Notre-Dame. Paola and Giovanni: “Couples should not be left alone, it’s important to walk together”

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“It’s an experience of fellowship, of sharing and of coming together for an eagerly awaited event which happens every six years. We are not involved in promotional activities; we meet people by word of mouth. In Turin we will have the opportunity to present a lesser-known Church, one that stretches from Argentina to Australia, from Canada to Mexico, from Togo to Malawi”. Paola Cortinovis and Giovanni Cecchini Manara, members of the international chapter of the Teams, in charge of the International Secretariat, present the 13th international meeting of the Equipe Notre-Dame (Teams of Our Lady), which will take place in Turin (Italy) from today until 20 July. Giovanni is a sales representative who travels extensively abroad, while Paola used to work as an architect and teacher before devoting herself full-time to the Movement. They have four grown-up children and a granddaughter.

What does it mean to belong to a Christian lay movement for married couples?

About twenty years ago, a friend suggested that we join the movement. We had always been members of our communities, but we were looking for a path that would give us a space as a couple. We had small children, a wonderful life, but we lacked some time for ourselves, to nourish our religious faith. The Movement proposes a pilot year. During this time, the method is tested, the participants are involved, and at the end they decide whether or not to join. We enjoyed it and the more we went on, the more we became convinced that it was the right way to help us grow as a couple.

What is the situation of Équipes Notre-Dame in Italy?

We travelled throughout the country and noticed the beautiful atmosphere that surrounds us, despite the cultural differences. It is the same in Italy as in the rest of the world. There is a community, we walk together. Italy is a very dynamic reality.

Do young couples take part?

There are many young couples. It is a form of mutual support and a good way of life. We are committed to not leaving couples alone, especially young couples, regardless of the way they’ve chosen to be together.

We have learnt from our movement that walking together helps to strengthen the experience and the life project of each couple. It prevents loneliness.

I’m pleased to see that so many young couples are coming to us to find meaning in their marriage, which means more than simply moving in together. Moreover, couples share the same difficulties, so the process of sharing helps to put problems into perspective and to deal with them in the right way.

What is the method used in the Équipes?

Once a month we meet in groups of 5 or 6 couples under the guidance of a spiritual director, a priest who accompanies us. We meet in our homes, moving from one house to the next. We begin with a meal together, usually in the evening, followed by prayer, which we call communal Mass:

This is a time for sharing our daily lives, for sharing the meaningful moments that the couples have experienced.

There is an atmosphere of co-participation, whereby the couple shares what they have experienced from a religious angle. We also have moments of prayer and discussion on the theme chosen each year by the Team.


Are there also moments of sharing within the couple?

In the time between the meetings, each couple takes on a series of commitments. These are not burdensome tasks, but rather tools that we choose for our journey. For example, once a month we set aside an hour for dialogue as a couple, what we call the ”commitment to sit down”. It starts as an opportunity to talk about misunderstandings, and develops into an in-depth dialogue.

Overwhelmed by daily life, work and children, a special moment is devoted to prayer as a couple.

The couple is at the heart of the journey.

It is indeed. Children are also present at some of the sectoral meetings. But the Movement is fundamentally dedicated to the couple, which is a beautiful thing. Of course, the family is our life, but we must set aside a special moment for the couple.

Are the Teams integrated into dioceses and parishes?

In accordance with our charism and mandate, we are committed to playing an active role in our communities, where we are called to share the richness we experience within the Movement. There are many couples who are actively involved in the parishes.

At a time of family crises, what response can come from the Teams of Our Lady?
The journey is beneficial to couples.In the hectic pace of everyday life, it is important to take a moment to look into each other’s eyes and speak heart to heart. This is a driving force for us to keep reminding ourselves of the reasons why we decided to get married. It helps us so much in our life as a couple. At first you have to fight with pride, with guilt, with mutual accusations. But then the relationship grows stronger, you learn more about each other, and you constantly reconnect with what motivated you to get married in the first place. To continue to be present, showing that a couple’s love can be contagious, is the best thing we can do in our communities.

The post A meeting in Turin of the Équipes Notre-Dame. Paola and Giovanni: “Couples should not be left alone, it’s important to walk together” first appeared on AgenSIR.

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